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The Gambia - Abdoulie

La Gambie
Abdoulie is a native of Basse in URR and a returnee from Lybia. He is currently operating his tailoring workshop in Basse.
Abdoulie's journey was inspired by his family and peers. He was made to believe that it is easier to earn a decent living and get rich in Europe than in Gambia. Before his departure, he was learning tailoring but due to financial contrains he embarked on the journey in 2015 to Lybia. He was there and imprisioned for nearly two years. In 2017, he came to The Gambia with support of IOM and now he operating his tailoring workshop.

Returned migrants play a central role as Volunteers in the development, planning and implementation of the Migrants as Messengers campaign.

Through their stories, the learnings from their migratory experiences and their creativity, MaM Volunteers are the principal authors and actors of the campaign. From 2019-2022, a community of more than 300 volunteers across 7 countries will develop and grow. This community will also have access to diversified training and capacity-building opportunities and be invited to regular activities to support the development of an organic and sustainable community. Female engagement plays an important role within the MaM Volunteer community as they will take the lead in shaping women-to-women dialogue sessions and engaging female audiences more generally.