Authentic storytelling by migrants for migrants in West Africa
A peer-to-peer messaging campaign that shares invaluable information about safe migration.
Featured Volunteer Associations
Voice of URR Migrants Association
The Voice of URR Migrants Association (VOUMA) is a migrant-led association…
More informationMigrants Concept Association (MCA)
OUR VISION: To bring forth good things in regular migration and stern the…
More informationMigration as Messengers Association of Liberia
The Migrants As Messengers Association of Liberia (MAMAL) was founded on…
More informationMigrants as Messengers
Migrants as Messengers activities are currently taking place in seven countries in West Africa, including Cote d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. As of 31 March 2020, there had been 18,3371 irregular migrants arriving in Europe from the beginning of 2020, with many of them coming from African countries, including many West African countries.

Gender equality is not a gender contest, it is a call to access to equal rights and opportunities for women, the elimination of all forms of discrimination, violence, exploitation, harmful policies and practices that affects women. We all have a role to play in actualizing a world where no one is left behind. Watch the video to hear some inspiring women.
Knowledge is Power!
Enables young people to make informed decisions about their futures, at home and abroad. The WAKA Well website makes it easier for young people, their families and communities to learn about regular migration procedures, available local opportunities to work, train or study and who to speak to in person for guidance. More than a website, WAKA Well networks young people in communities across West Africa creating media content for television, radio, online campaigns and on-the-ground activities that promote safe and regular migration using a Communication for Development (C4D) approach.

Peer-to-peer communication is key to raise awareness
Nobody knows how many of the 22,000 people who died trying to reach Europe from Africa since 2014 knew about the terrible dangers awaiting them. Were some aware but decided to face the huge risks anyway? Did they block out the brutal realities everyone faces along the way? What we know, is that many thinking about undertaking these journeys underestimate the level of risk. Hugely so. When we asked young people, who said they planned to migrate from Senegal, to estimate the number of migrant deaths on the road or at sea over the past five years, over 40 per cent guessed it was less than 1,000. Only five per cent came close to the actual figure.

Impact Evaluation Report
Migrants as Messengers: The impact of peer-to-peer communication on potential migrants in Senegal
The report presents key results from a rigorous impact evaluation that assessed the impact of the Migrants as Messengers (MaM) information events in Dakar, Senegal. MaM was a peer-to-peer awareness-raising campaign implemented in Senegal, Guinea and Nigeria from December 2017 to March 2019.