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IOM Bangladesh is working with returnee migrants to collect and disseminate credible stories to promote safe migration and reintegration.

IOM Bangladesh uses the Community Response App to collect and disseminate credible video stories of returnee migrants under the 'Bangladesh: Sustainable Reintegration and Improved Migration Governance (Prottasha)' project to promote safe migration and reintegration. This initiative allows project participants to provide their migration experiences, the support they receive from the project and messages on safe migration.

People, especially aspirant migrants, tend to believe the stories of migrants. The content produced based on migrants’ tales help migrants and communities to know empathic experiences from returnee migrants. Audiences are getting engaged with the content posted on social media. The video and photo content are also shown at different events and activities. Furthermore, the content are disseminated through different reports and publications. In addition, IOM Bangladesh shares the content with journalists for wider dissemination. This ‘Migrants as Messengers’ concept contributes to the safe, orderly, and regular migration.